Clarify.asp Sample Script

This script is invoked when the user responds to a request for clarification. It works similarly to Response.asp, except it operates on a saved conversation context, rather than beginning a new dialog with the end user.


Microsoft English Query

Copyright 1998 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

Component: Sample Scripts

File: Clarify.asp

Clarification Page


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        <TITLE>English Query Response</TITLE>


    <BODY BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF" TEXT="#000000">


        If Not IsObject(Session("EQResponse")) or Session("EQResponse") Is Nothing Then

            Response.Write("Sorry, your conversation context is no longer available.<BR>Please ask your question again.<BR>")


        End If

        Set objEQResponse = Session("EQResponse")

        Set objInputs = objEQResponse.UserInputs


        '----- UserInput type constants -----

        nlListInput        = 0

        nlTextInput        = 1

        nlStaticInput    = 2


        '----- Package up all user clarifications -----

        For intInput = 0 to objInputs.Count - 1

            Set objInput = objInputs(intInput)

            strInputName = "Input" & intInput

            strInput = Request.Form(strInputName)

            Select Case objInput.Type

                Case nlStaticInput

                Case nlTextInput

                    objInput.Text = strInput

                Case nlListInput

                    objInput.Selection = strInput

                Case Else

                    Response.Write "Error: Unexepcted input type"

            End Select


        '----- Resubmit the question by replying to the clarification response

        Set objEQResponse = objEQResponse.Reply()

        '----- Handle the new response

        ProcessResponse objEQResponse, Session("Question")






(c) 1996-1998 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.