Help on the Dictionary Entry Properties

You can specify additional words to include in the Microsoft English Query dictionary. The English Query dictionary includes thousands of common English words, and provides your English Query application with the terminology it needs to answer most questions posed in English. You can add new words to the dictionary if, for example, your application requires specialized terms that are not generally known.

Creating entities (with synonyms) and relationships will provide most of the vocabulary the system requires. You only need to create a dictionary entry if the word you are defining is not associated with a particular entity or relationship. (The new terms appear in the Semantic Objects tab under Dictionary Entries.)

Use this To do this
Dictionary entry type Specify an entry as a main entry (a word) or a synonym for a word that already exists in the dictionary.
Define word Specify a simple addition to the dictionary. Specify the root form of word, part of speech, and the irregular form.
Read synonym Indicate that a word should be interpreted the same as another word when an English query is received from a user. For example, Read: workers as: employees. This example specifies that questions with the word workers in them should be intrepreted as questions about employees, which are represented in the database.
Write synonym Indicate that an alternative word should be used in the response to a query. For example, Write:  employees as: associates. This example specifies that  if a question has been received about employees, the response can use the term associates instead.
Module Specify the module (.eqm file) of which you want the current dictionary entry to be a part.

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