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You can specify global properties for the database associated with your Microsoft English Query application.

Use this To do this
Skip outer joins Specify that the English Query application should not generate SQL queries containing outer joins. By selecting this option, you can make queries that would normally use outer joins run faster. However, the faster performance means that rows in which no matching data is found are not shown. For example, if the question is Show the people and their salaries for 1996, the answer will only include people with salaries in 1996. People with no salary in 1996 will not be listed as part of the answer.
Enable user context Specify that English Query should retain a "conversational context" for the user. This allows the user to refer to previous questions using such things as pronouns (for example, "Who was hired last year?" followed by "Which department hired them?") and elipsis (for example, "Show the total sales for 1996" followed by "for 1997").
Include additional translation file Specify a file containing additional domain knowledge in .eqc format. This feature is used only by Microsoft Product Support for providing bug patches.
Default module Specify the default module that new objects (tables, entities, relationships, domain commands) are created in.

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