Help on Test Application

You can use these options to ask a question or state a command, check the response from Microsoft English Query, and even execute the query in the database to see the results.

Use this To do this
Question/Submit/Restatement Enter a question that you want to test, and click Submit. Microsoft English Query returns a restatement of the question and the generated SQL.
Execute SQL/Answer Execute the question and get an answer from English Query. (You must be connected to the ODBC data source.)
Add to Question File Add the question to the question filenldefQuestionFile.
Suggestion When a question cannot be understood or is answered incorrectly, you can get a suggestion for the necessary entities and relationships that will make the question work.
Analysis Tab Appears when a question is submitted. If the question was interpreted, a description of the entities and phrases used is given.
Answer Tab Appears when a question is submitted. It shows the SQL statements and result table for the question.
Command Tab     Appears when a domain command is submitted. It shows the command structure for the command.
Table Tab Appears when a domain command is submitted. It shows the SQL statements and result table for each domain command parameter.

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