Help on Phrasings Properties for Domain Commands

Select the phrasings that describe this domain command.

Phrasings are a way to talk about a relationship in English. Choose the phrasing that most closely reflects how users would word their domain command.

For example, operators shut down machines  is a verb phrasing that describes a relationship. It allows commands to be made such as, “Shut down machine X.”

When you specify a phrasing, the passive equivalent is provided with it by Microsoft English Query. For example, specifying the verb phrasing Customers buy products from salespeople also allows users to ask the passive question: Are products sold to customers by salespeople?

Use this To do this
Add Select a phrasing type that will represent the selected domain command.
Edit Modify the selected phrasing.
Delete Delete the selected phrasing.
Group/Ungroup Specify that the selected phrasings are required to work together to define the domain command.
Module Specify the module (.eqm file) of which you want the current relationship to be a part.

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