The LevelType property of the Level interface returns an enumeration constant identifying the specific type of level.
clsAggregationLevel | clsDatabaseLevel |
clsCubeLevel | clsPartitionLevel |
LevelTypes (an enumeration)
The access type depends on the level object class.
Class | Access |
clsDatabaseLevel | R/W |
clsCubeLevel | R |
clsPartitionLevel | R |
clsAggregationLevel | R |
The LevelType property may be set to one of the constants enumerated by the LevelTypes enumeration. The first level must be unique and always be of type levAll. Subsequent levels are of the type levRegular with the exception of levels in a time dimension. Time levels have their LevelType property set to one of the time level constants such as levTimeYears or levTimeMonths. Time levels must be created in time hierarchy fashion. For example, the first level in a time dimension (other than All) would have the type levTimeYears. The second, levTimeMonths, and so on. For a complete list of level types, see Enumerations.
Use the following code to set a the level type of a level object to days:
LevelObject.LevelType = levTimeDays
Use the following code to return a the level type of a level object and determine which level type has been returned:
'Assume an object (dsoLevel) of ClassType clsDatabaseLevel exists
Dim objType As LevelTypes
objType = dsoLevel.LevelType
Select Case objType
Case levRegular
' Commands for levRegular
Case levAll
' Commands for levAll
Case Else
' other commands
End Select
About Decision Support Objects | Using Decision Support Objects |
LevelTypes | Properties Cross-Reference |