Properties, MDStore Interface

The MDStore interface supports the following properties.

Property Description
AggregationPrefix Prefix associated with an aggregation in the store.
Analyzer Analyzer object for the store.
ClassType Returns an enumeration constant identifying the specific object type.
Description Description of the store.
EstimatedRows Estimated number of rows in the store.
EstimatedSize Estimated size of all rows, in bytes, in the store.
FromClause A comma-separated list of the tables from which the store data is obtained.
IsDefault Indicates whether the store is the default store.
IsReadWrite Indicates whether the MDStore object is writable.
IsTemporary Indicates whether the object is temporary.
IsValid Indicates whether the store object is valid.
JoinClause A list of join conditions separated by AND.
LastProcessed Date and time a store was last processed.
LastUpdated User-defined date. Not used by OLAP Services.
Name Name of the store.
OlapMode Returns an enumeration constant identifying the type of OLAP mode of the store.
Parent Returns a reference to the parent MDStore object.
Server Returns a reference to the DSO.Server object.
SourceTable Name of the source table for the store.
SourceTableFilter SQL statement that specifies the source table records to included in the store.
State Returns an enumeration constant indicating the difference between the MDStore object referenced by the client application and the corresponding MDStore object on the OLAP server.
SubClassType Returns an enumeration constant identifying the subclass type of the object.

Property Cross-Reference

The following table shows whether the property is read/write (R/W), read-only (R), or not applicable (n/a) for different objects.

Property Database Cube Partition Aggregation
AggregationPrefix R R/W R/W R
Analyzer n/a R* R n/a
ClassType R R R R
Description R/W R/W R/W R/W
n/a R/W** R/W R/W
FromClause n/a R/W* R/W R/W
IsDefault n/a n/a R R/W
IsReadWrite R R R/W n/a
IsTemporary n/a R R R
IsValid R R R R
JoinClause n/a R/W* R/W R/W
LastUpdated R/W R/W R/W R
Name R/W (R after the object has been named) R/W (R after the object has been named) R/W (R after the object has been named) R/W (R after the object has been named)
OlapMode R/W R/W* R/W R/W
Parent R R R R
Server R R R R
SourceTable n/a R/W* R/W R/W
SourceTableFilter n/a R/W* R/W n/a
State R R R n/a
SubClassType R R R R
* This property is not applicable (n/a) for virtual cubes (that is, those of SubClassType sbclsVirtual).
** This property is read-only (R) for virtual cubes (that is, those of SubClassType sbclsVirtual).

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