The State property of the MDStore interface returns an enumeration constant indicating the processing state of the object on the server represented by the Decision Support Objects (DSO) MDStore object.
clsCube | clsPartition |
clsDatabase |
OlapStateTypes (an enumeration)
The value of the State property depends on the value of the class type of the associated MDStore object.
MDStore object class type | State |
clsDatabase | olapStateNeverProcessed olapStateCurrent |
clsCube | olapStateNeverProcessed olapStateStructureChanged olapStateCurrent |
clsPartition | All states apply |
The State property indicates the current status of an MDStore object and is used to determine if processing of the object is required. For more information, see OlapStateTypes in Enumerations.
About Decision Support Objects | Using Decision Support Objects |
Properties Cross-Reference |