
The Process method of the MDStore interface creates and populates an MDStore object on the OLAP server. Databases, cubes, and partitions can be processed. Processing each of these objects means that all subordinate objects are processed. For example, invoking the Process method for a database processes all of the associated dimensions and cubes. For a complete discussion of processing and the differences between processing and updating, see Updating OLAP Data, Processing Cubes, and Processing Dimensions.

Applies To
clsDatabase clsCube



The MDStore object to process.
An optional parameter specifying one of the values enumerated by the ProcessTypes enumerator.

Processing an MDStore object causes the OLAP server to read source data, perform calculations, and store aggregated data. For example, processing an object of ClassType clsCube causes the server to read all source data corresponding to the definition of the cube and to create the resulting multidimensional cube of data. If you use the Process method on a Database object, all cubes and dimensions in the database are processed. Processing a cube automatically causes the processing of all subordinate partitions. In addition, any of the cube’s dimensions whose State property is not olapStateCurrent will also be processed, including shared dimensions.

Processing a cube whose SubClassType is sbclsVirtual causes cubes used by the virtual cube to be processed only if their State is not olapStateCurrent.

See Also
About Decision Support Objects Using Decision Support Objects
Methods Cross-Reference  

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