
The ClassType property of the Measure interface returns an enumeration constant identifying the specific object type.

Applies To
clsAggregationMeasure clsPartitionMeasure

Data Type

ClassTypes (an enumeration)

For measure objects, ClassType is set to one of the following values:

For a complete list of class types, see Enumerations.




Use the following code to return the class type of a measure object and determine which object class has been returned:

'Assume an object (dsoCubeMea) of ClassType clsCubeMeasure exists

Select Case dsoCubeMea.ClassType

Case clsCubeMeasure

        ' commands for a CubeMeasure

Case clsPartitionMeasure

        ' commands for a PartitionMeasure

   Case clsAggregationMeasure

        ' commands for an AggregationMeasure

   Case Else

        ' other commands

End Select

See Also
About Decision Support Objects Using Decision Support Objects
Properties Cross-Reference Enumerations

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