Misc. Event Category

The Misc. event classes can be used to monitor a variety of event classes not found in the other event categories, such as failed logins and query plans.

Event class Description
Attention Attention event, such as client-interrupt requests or broken client connections, has occurred.
Auto-UpdateStats Event associated with the automatic updating of index statistics has occurred.
Exec Prepared SQL ODBC, OLE DB, or DB-Library has executed a prepared Transact-SQL statement or statements.
Execution Plan Plan tree of the Transact-SQL statement being executed is displayed.
LoginFailed Login attempt to SQL Server from a client has failed.
Prepare SQL ODBC, OLE DB, or DB-Library has prepared a Transact-SQL statement or statements for use.
Server Memory Change Microsoft® SQL Server™ memory usage has increased or decreased by either 1 megabyte (MB) or 5 percent of the maximum server memory, whichever is greater.
ServiceControl Server control event, such as server paused or restart events, has occurred.
Unprepare SQL ODBC, OLE DB, or DB-Library has unprepared (deleted) a prepared Transact-SQL statement or statements.

By monitoring the Attention event class, you can determine if attention events are occurring. If a high number of attention events is generated, this could indicate a network communication problem between the clients and SQL Server that needs further investigation.

Monitoring the LoginFailed event class is useful for monitoring security and performing logon auditing. By monitoring the Event Sub Class and the SQL User Name or NT User Name default data columns, you can determine which users are failing to connect to SQL Server and why.

These are the event-specific data columns for the Misc. event category.

Event class Data column Description
Auto-UpdateStats Event Sub Class Can have these values:

0 = error
1 = success

Exec Prepared SQL Event Sub Class Handle of the prepared Transact-SQL statement.
Execution Plan Binary Data Estimated cost.
  Integer Data Estimated rows returned.
  Text Execution plan tree. Only SQL statement trees are expressed. Transact-SQL constructs are not represented.
LoginFailed Text Login error message.
Prepare SQL Event Sub Class Handle of the prepared Transact-SQL statement.
Server Memory Change Event Sub Class Can have these values:

1 = Memory increase
2 = Memory decrease

  Integer Data The new memory size.
ServiceControl Event Sub Class Can have these values:

0 = Exit
1 = Start
2 = Pause
3 = Continue
4 = Stop

Unprepare SQL Event Sub Class Handle of the prepared Transact-SQL statement.


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