MSmerge_contents (T-SQL)

Contains one row for each row modified in the current database since it was published. This table is used by the merge process to determine the rows that have changed. This table is stored in the user database.

Column name Data type Description
tablenick int Nickname of the published table.
rowguid uniqueidentifier Row identifier for the given row.
generation int Generation of the row identified by the tablenick and rowguid.
partchangegen int The generation associated with the last data change that could have changed whether the row belongs in a filtered publication.
joinchangegen int The generation associated with the last data change to this row that would have changed whether related rows belong in a filtered publication.
lineage varbinary(249) Subscriber nickname, version number pairs that are used to maintain a history of changes to this row.
colvl varbinary(2048) Column version information.


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