MSmerge_tombstone (T-SQL)

Contains information on deleted rows and allows deletes to be propagated to other Subscribers. This table is stored in the published database.

Column name Data type Description
rowguid uniqueidentifier Row identifier.
tablenick int Nickname of the table.
type tinyint Type of delete:
1 = User delete
5 = Row no longer belongs to the filtered
6 = System delete
lineage varbinary(255) Indicates the version of the record that was deleted, and which updates were known when it was deleted. Allows rules for consistent resolution of a conflict when one Subscriber updates a row while it is being deleted at another Subscriber.
generation int Is assigned when a row is deleted. If a Subscriber requests generation N, only tombstones with generation >= N are sent.
reason varchar(255) Text field containing the reason that tombstone was created.


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