MSreplication_subscriptions (T-SQL)

Contains one row of replication information for each Distribution Agent servicing the local Subscriber database. This table is stored in the Subscriber database.

Column name Data type Description
publisher sysname Name of the Publisher.
publisher_db sysname Name of the Publisher database.
publication sysname Name of the publication.
independent_agent bit Indicates whether there is a stand-alone Distribution Agent for this publication.
subscription_type int Type of subscription:
0 = Push
1 = Pull
2 = Anonymous
distribution_agent nvarchar(100) Name of the Distribution Agent.
time smalldatetime Time of the last update by Distribution Agent.
description nvarchar(255) Description of the subscription.
transaction_timestamp varbinary(16) Synctran.
update_mode tinyint Type of update.
agent_id binary(16) ID of the agent.
subscription_guid binary(16) Global identifier for the version of the subscription on the publication.
subid binary(16) Global identifier for an anonymous subscription.
immediate_sync bit Indicates whether synchronization files are created or re-created each time the Snapshot Agent runs.


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