MSsnapshot_history (T-SQL)

Contains history rows for the Snapshot Agents associated with the local Distributor. This table is stored in the distribution database.

Column name Data type Description
agent_id int ID of the Snapshot Agent.
runstatus int Running status:
0 = Start
2 = Succeed
3 = In progress
4 = Idle
5 = Retry
6 = Fail
start_time datetime Time to begin execution of the job.
time datetime Time the message is logged.
duration int Duration, in seconds, of the message session.
comments nvarchar(255) Message text.
delivered_transactions int Total number of transactions delivered in the session.
delivered_commands int Number of delivered commands per second.
delivery_rate float Average delivered commands per second.
error_id int ID of the error in the MSrepl_error system table.
timestamp timestamp Timestamp column of this table.


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