MSsubscriptions (T-SQL)

Contains one row for each subscription serviced by the local Distributor. This table is stored in the distribution database.

Column name Data type Description
publisher_database_id int ID of the Publisher database.
publisher_id smallint ID of the Publisher.
publisher_db sysname Name of the Publisher database.
publication_id int ID of the publication.
article_id int ID of the article.
subscriber_id smallint ID of the Subscriber.
subscriber_db sysname Name of the subscription database.
subscription_type int Type of subscription:
0 = Push
1 = Pull
2 = Anonymous
sync_type tinyint Type of synchronization:
1 = Automatic
2 = No sync
status tinyint Status of the subscription:
0 = Inactive
1 = Subscribed
2 = Active
subscription_seqno varbinary(16) Snapshot transaction sequence number.
snapshot_seqno_flag bit 1 = subscription_seqno is the
snapshot sequence number.
independent_agent bit Indicates whether there is a stand-alone Distribution Agent for this publication.
subscription_time datetime Synctran.
loopback_detection bit Whether the Distribution Agent sends transactions originated at the Subscriber back to the Subscriber:
True = Does not send back.
False = Sends back.
agent_id int ID of the agent.
update_mode tinyint Type of update.
publisher_seqno varbinary(16) Sequence number of the transaction at the Publisher for this subscription.


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