SQLNSErrors constants specify error ranges available to the SQLNamespace object.

Constant Value Description
SQLNS_E_Already_Initialized 1005 Initialize method was called more than one time
SQLNS_E_DatabaseNotFound 1019 Specified database was not found
SQLNS_E_ExternalError 1100 Error outside the scope of  SQL-NS and SQL-DMO occurred
SQLNS_E_InvalidCommandID 1011 Invalid command ID was specified in a call to ExecuteCommandByID
SQLNS_E_InvalidCommandName 1010 Invalid command name was specified in a call to ExecuteCommandBy
SQLNS_E_InvalidConnectString 1016 Connection string is invalid
SQLNS_E_InvalidDBName 1015 Database name is invalid
SQLNS_E_InvalidLoginInfo 1014 Login information is invalid
SQLNS_E_InvalidObjectHandle 1008 Object handle is invalid due to specifying an invalid relationship or passing a null pointer
SQLNS_E_InvalidRootInfo 1012 Connection string does not match with the root object specified
SQLNS_E_InvalidRootType 1006 Nonmember of the current root type was specified
SQLNS_E_InvalidServerName 1013 Invalid server name specified
SQLNS_E_InvalidServerVersion 1020 Server specified must be running SQL Server 7.0
SQLNS_E_NameDup 1004 Reserved
SQLNS_E_NameNotFound 1003 Command name was not found in a call to ExecuteCommandBy
SQLNS_E_NoDMOObject 1009 There is no underlying
SQL-DMO object
SQLNS_E_NotImplemented 1001 SQL Namespace object not implemented
SQLNS_E_OrdOutOfRange 1002 Call was made into a .dll where the ordinal does not exist
SQLNS_E_RequireAppName 1007 Application name is required in a call to Initialize
SQLNS_E_ServerNotFound 1018 Server name was not found when specifying SQLNSRootType_Server
SQLNS_E_SrvGrpNotFound 1017 Server group was not found when specifying SQLNSRootType_


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