Partition Wizard - Finish

Caution It is possible to create partitioned cubes that contain incorrect data. For more information, see Partitions and its subtopics in the Administrator’s Guide.

In this final step of the wizard, you can name your partition, choose aggregation design options, and specify advanced settings for your partition. You can also process your new partition when the wizard finishes.

Caution If in a previous step you selected the default fact table (that is, the same fact table used by the cube), you must use a filter to ensure that each partition in the cube includes mutually exclusive data. Otherwise, the cube containing the partition will contain duplicate and therefore inaccurate data. To create a filter, click Advanced.

To name your partition


Design the aggregations for your partition now

Choose this option to start the Storage Design wizard when you click Finish.

Design the aggregations later

Choose this option to save your partition now and design aggregations later.

Copy the aggregation design from an existing partition.

Choose this option to copy the aggregation design from another partition to your new partition. In the Copy from box, select the partition from which to copy the aggregation design.

Note If in the future you might merge the new partition with another, copy the aggregation design of the other partition. To be merged, partitions must have the same structure and aggregation design.

Process the partition when finished

Choose this option if you want to process the new partition when you click Finish. This option is not available if you choose Design the aggregations for your partition now.


Click Advanced to add a filter (WHERE clause expression) or to change the aggregation prefix. The Advanced Settings dialog box is displayed. For more information, click Help in the Advanced Settings dialog box.

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