
Sets the maximum number of simultaneously open DBPROCESS structures.


RETCODE dbsetmaxprocs ( SHORT maxprocs );

Is the new limit on simultaneously open DBPROCESS structures for this particular application.

SUCCEED if the function call is successful, or else FAIL (that is, maxprocs <= 0).


A DB-Library application has a maximum number of simultaneously open DBPROCESS structures. Although the default number is 25, the application can change it by calling dbsetmaxprocs.

Similarly, the program can find out what the current limit is by calling dbgetmaxprocs.

The following table shows platform-dependent connection limitations:

Operating system Maximum number of connections per workstation
Microsoft® Windows NT® Limited by amount of memory available.
Microsoft Windows® 95/98 Limited by amount of memory available.
Windows 45 for all Microsoft® SQL Server™-running applications.
Microsoft MS-DOS® 15.

See Also
dbgetmaxprocs dbopen


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