Cube and Dataset Example
In this example, which is repeatedly referenced in the following topics, SalesCube has the following six dimensions:
- SalesPerson
- Geography, a hierarchy that has the levels Countries, Regions, and Cities
- Quarters, a hierarchy that has the levels Quarters, Months, and Days
- Years
- Measures: Sales, PercentChange, and BudgetedSales
- Products
Consider the following dataset to be returned from this cube by an MDX query:

The characteristics of this dataset are:
- Axis dimensions: Quarters, SalesPerson, Geography.
- Slicer dimensions: Measures, Years, Products.
- Two axes:
- x-axis, also known as COLUMNS or axis 0.
- y-axis, also known as ROWS or axis 1.
- x-axis: Salesperson and Geography dimensions (the latter is nested in the former).
- y-axis: Quarters dimension.
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