Programming Environment

Microsoft® SQL Server™ OLAP Services supports applications written in Microsoft Visual Basic® and other languages that support the Component Object Model (COM).

The Decision Support Objects (DSO) object model and the add-in program interface were developed in Visual Basic and are easiest to use with that language.

Client applications that use PivotTable® Service to communicate with the OLAP server or to manage local cubes can use OLE DB interfaces for C++ or the Microsoft ActiveX® Data Objects (ADO) and ActiveX Data Objects (Multidimensional) (ADO MD) with any COM automation language, including Visual Basic.

To connect to a data source, you can use OLE DB connection strings for OLE DB-compliant data sources, or establish system data source connections in your computer’s ODBC Data Source Administrator for ODBC-compliant data sources. OLAP Services supports the following relational database products:

The OLAP server, which is included in OLAP Services, can also be used as an OLE DB data source. Data from multidimensional data cubes is presented in tabular form.

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