Scripting a Replication Topology

After replication is installed, a system administrator can script the steps to install a Distributor, Publishers and publication properties, or Subscribers and subscription properties based on the configuration at a selected server. This facilitates re-creating an identical configuration at one or more servers across a computing organization. This can save time if many servers must be configured identically, because the system administrator can run the script instead of repeatedly performing installation steps using SQL Server Enterprise Manager. If the script is to be run against servers that have different names from the original servers, you must edit the server names.

A system administrator can also script the steps to uninstall selected replication components. Note that scripting these steps does not actually perform the steps necessary to uninstall any replication components. The script must be executed at the time you want the components removed.

Scripting a replication topology can also be a helpful recovery mechanism. For example, if a server hosting a Publisher or Distributor fails, the script can be run to reinstall replication after the server hardware is replaced.

To script a replication topology

See Also

Using Multiple Statements


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