Agent Login Security

Replication implements login security by requiring a user to have a valid login account and password to connect to a Publisher, Distributor, or Subscriber. Replication agents run under SQL Server Agent and use the associated logins and passwords to connect to the various replication objects and to perform their roles in the synchronization process. On Microsoft® Windows® 95/98 platforms, SQL Server Agent and the replication agents run under the security account of the user logging on to Windows. On Microsoft® Windows NT® platforms, the replication agents run under the login or security context of the SQLServerAgent service.

Each agent connects to one or more servers and must have a valid login to complete the connection:

Note For an agent that holds simultaneous connections, Microsoft® SQL Server™ allows you to configure the login for each connection independently. For example, if the Snapshot Agent connects to the Publisher and to the Distributor, each connection can use a different login.


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