Replication Alert Messages

Microsoft® SQL Server™ includes a set of predefined alerts for replication. You can configure these alerts to notify operators about the state of replication. Operators can then intervene in the replication process manually or configure an automated response job. Alerts that support an automated response job enter additional information into the msdb..sysreplicationalerts system table. The information in sysreplicationalerts can be used by a custom Transact-SQL job when responding to the alert.

The following alerts are installed when a server is configured as a Distributor.

Message ID

Predefined alert

Condition causing the alert to fire
Enters additional information in sysreplicationalerts
14150 Replication: Agent success Agent shuts down successfully. Yes
14151 Replication: Agent failure Agent shuts down with an error. Yes
14152 Replication: Agent retry Agent shuts down after unsuccessfully retrying an operation: agent encounters an error such as  server not available, deadlock, connection failure, or time-out failure. Yes
14157 Replication: Subscription cleaned up. Inactive subscription was deleted. No
20574 Replication: Subscriber has failed data validation Distribution or Merge Agent fails data validation. Yes
20575 Replication: Subscriber has passed data validation Distribution or Merge Agent passes data validation. Yes
20572 Replication: Subscription reinitialized after validation failure Response job ‘Reinitialize subscriptions on data validation failure’ reinitializes a subscription successfully. No


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