Monitoring Performance

If you are running Microsoft® SQL Server™ on a Microsoft Windows NT® platform, you can use Windows NT Performance Monitor to monitor the rate at which various replication processes take place. You can monitor the following replication objects:

SQLServer:Replication Agents

The performance counter for all replication agents includes this counter.

Counter Description
Running Number of replication agents currently executing

SQLServer:Replication Dist.

The performance counters for a Distribution Agent include these counters.

Counter Description
Dist:Delivery Latency Current amount of time, in milliseconds, elapsed from when transactions are delivered to the Distributor to when they are applied at the Subscriber
Dist:Delivered Commands/sec Number of commands per second delivered to the Subscriber
Dist:Delivered Transactions/sec Number of transactions per second delivered to the Subscriber

SQLServer:Replication Logreader

The performance counters for a Log Reader Agent include these counters.

Counter Description
Logreader:Delivery Latency Current amount of time, in milliseconds, elapsed from when transactions are applied at the Publisher to when they are delivered to the Distributor
Logreader:Delivered Commands/sec Number of commands per second delivered to the Distributor
Logreader:Delivered Transactions/sec Number of transactions per second delivered to the Distributor

SQLServer:Replication Merge

The performance counters for a Merge Agent include these counters.

Counter Description
Uploaded Changes/sec Number of rows per second merged from the Subscriber to the Publisher
Downloaded Changes/sec Number of rows per second merged from the Publisher to the Subscriber
Conflicts/sec Number of conflicts per second occurring during the merge process

SQLServer:Replication Snapshot

The performance counters for a Snapshot Agent include these counters.

Counter Description
Snapshot:Delivered Commands/sec Number of commands per second delivered to the Distributor
Snapshot:Delivered Transactions/sec Number of transactions per second delivered to the Distributor

To monitor replication agent performance

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