Replication Conflict Viewer

When the Merge Agent synchronizes the data changes at a Publisher and Subscriber, it may encounter one of three types of conflicts for each merge:

If the Merge Agent encounters one of these conflicts during the merge process, it calls the conflict resolver specified for the article The conflict resolver determines the winner and loser of the conflict and records the outcome in the conflict_usertablename. The conflicts are resolved based upon the priority set when the subscription was created, or the user-created resolution procedures.

After the merge process is complete, you can use the Replication Conflict Viewer to review the manner in which the conflicts were resolved and make changes to these resolutions. Be sure to connect to the correct server to view the conflicts. The location of the conflict table varies depending upon whether replication has been configured for centralized of decentralize logging of conflicts. If centralized, the conflict table is stored at the Publisher and you must connect to the Publisher to view the conflicts. If decentralized, the conflict table is stored at either the publisher or Subscriber, depending upon who lost the conflicts.

Note The Replication Conflict Viewer displays dates in ISO datetime format instead of the local format.

To view and further resolve synchronization conflicts

To modify where conflicting data changes are reported

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