You can enhance the performance of snapshot replication in your application and on your network by:
Because snapshot replication bulk copies a complete copy of the publication, it writes the entire publication to the snapshot folder. The faster the disk subsystem can read and write data to the disk(s), the faster the snapshot is completed. For more information, see max async IO Option.
If you use a remote server as the Distributor, the Snapshot Agent copies the entire publication across the network. The Distribution Agent, in turn, copies the entire publication across the network to the Subscriber. You can eliminate one of the cross-network copies by locating the snapshot folder on the Publisher instead of on the Distributor. Then the snapshot is stored on the same server. You must ensure there is adequate space on the Publisher for the snapshot files.
When using the bcp utility, you can set the maximum bcp threads as a command prompt parameter. For more information, see bcp Utility.