Restores an entire database and transaction log, database file(s), or a transaction log. For more information about database back up and restore operations, see Backing Up and Restoring Databases.

Caution Backups created with Microsoft® SQL Server™ version 7.0 cannot be restored to an earlier version of SQL Server.


Restore an entire database:

RESTORE DATABASE {database_name | @database_name_var}
[FROM <backup_device> [,...n]]
    [[,] FILE = file_number]
    [[,] MEDIANAME = {media_name | @media_name_variable}]
    [[,] MOVE 'logical_file_name' TO 'operating_system_file_name']
    [[,] {NORECOVERY | RECOVERY | STANDBY = undo_file_name}]
    [[,] {NOUNLOAD | UNLOAD}]
    [[,] REPLACE]
    [[,] RESTART]
    [[,] STATS [= percentage]]

Restore specific files or filegroups:

RESTORE DATABASE {database_name | @database_name_var}
    <file_or_filegroup> [,...n]
[FROM <backup_device> [,...n]]
    [[,] FILE = file_number]
    [[,] MEDIANAME = {media_name | @media_name_variable}]
    [[,] NORECOVERY]
    [[,] {NOUNLOAD | UNLOAD}]
    [[,] REPLACE]
    [[,] RESTART]
    [[,] STATS [= percentage]]

Restore a transaction log:

RESTORE LOG {database_name | @database_name_var}
[FROM <backup_device> [,...n]]
    [[,] FILE = file_number]
    [[,] MEDIANAME = {media_name | @media_name_variable}]
    [[,] {NORECOVERY | RECOVERY | STANDBY = undo_file_name}]
    [[,] {NOUNLOAD | UNLOAD}]
    [[,] RESTART]
    [[,] STATS [= percentage]]
    [[,] STOPAT = {date_time | @date_time_var}]

<backup_device> ::=
        {'backup_device_name' | @backup_device_name_var}
        | {DISK | TAPE | PIPE} =
{'temp_backup_device' | @temp_backup_device_var}

<file_or_filegroup> ::=
        FILE = {logical_file_name | @logical_file_name_var}
        FILEGROUP = {logical_filegroup_name | @logical_filegroup_name_var}

Specifies the complete restore of the database from a backup. If a list of files and filegroups is specified, only those files and filegroups are restored.
{database_name | @database_name_var}
Is the database that the log or complete database is restored into. If supplied as a variable (@database_name_var), this name can be specified either as a string constant (@database_name_var = database name) or as a variable of character string data type, except for the ntext or text data types.
Specifies the backup devices from which to restore the backup. If the FROM clause is not specified, the restore of a backup does not take place. Instead, the database is recovered. Omitting the FROM clause can be used to attempt recovery of a nonsuspect database that has been restored with the NORECOVERY option, or to switch over to a standby server. If the FROM clause is omitted, NORECOVERY, RECOVERY, or STANDBY must be specified.
Specifies the permanent or temporary backup devices to use for the restore operation. Can be one or more of the following:
{'backup_device_name' | @backup_device_name_var}
Is the logical name, which must follow the rules for identifiers, of the backup device(s) created by sp_addumpdevice from which the database is restored. The maximum number of backup devices in a single RESTORE statement is 32. If supplied as a variable (@backup_device_name_var), the backup device name can be specified either as a string constant (@backup_device_name_var = backup_device_name) or as a variable of character string data type, except for the ntext or text data types.
'temp_backup_device' | @temp_backup_device_var

Allows backups to be restored from the named disk, tape, or pipe device. The device types of disk and tape should be specified with the actual name (for example, complete path and file name) of the device: DISK = ‘C:\Mssql7\Backup\Mybackup.dat’ or TAPE = \\.\TAPE0. A device type of pipe should specify the name of the named pipe that is used by the client application. If specified as a variable (@temp_backup_device_var), the device name can be specified either as a string constant (@temp_backup_device_var = ‘temp_backup_device’) or as a variable of character string data type, except for the ntext or text data types.

Pipe devices have been added to allow third-party vendors a flexible way to connect their own software. The pipe device is not used for typical Transact-SQL use.

If you are using either a network server with a UNC name or a redirected drive letter, specify a device type of disk.

Is a placeholder indicating that multiple backup devices and temporary backup devices can be specified. The maximum number of backup devices or temporary backup devices is 32.
Restricts access for the newly restored database to only the database owner. Causes the dbo use only option of sp_dboption to be set to true. This database option restricts access to the database owner after the restore operation until the option is set to false by executing sp_dboption. If this option is not specified, then the setting of the dbo use only database option may or may not change. For more information about when the dbo use only database setting may or may not be changed, see Database Settings and Restoring later in this topic. Use with the RECOVERY option.
FILE = file_number
Identifies the backup set to be restored. For example, a file_number of 1 indicates the first backup set on the backup medium and a file_number of 2 indicates the second backup set.
MEDIANAME = {media_name | @media_name_variable}
Specifies the media name for the entire backup set. If provided, the media name must match the media name on the backup volume(s); otherwise, the restore operation terminates. If no media name is given in the RESTORE statement, the check for a matching media name on the backup volume(s) is not performed.

Important Consistently using media names in backup and restore operations provides an extra safety check for the media selected for the restore operation.

MOVE 'logical_file_name' TO 'operating_system_file_name'
Specifies that the given logical_file_name should be moved to operating_system_file_name. By default, the logical_file_name is restored to its original location. If either the BACKUP or RESTORE statements is used to copy a database to the same or different server, the MOVE option may be needed to relocate the database files and to avoid collisions with existing files. Each logical file in the database can be specified in different MOVE statements. For more information, see Copying Databases.
Is a placeholder indicating that more than one logical file can be moved by specifying multiple MOVE statements.
Instructs the restore operation to not roll back any uncommitted transactions. Either the NORECOVERY or STANDBY option must be specified if another transaction log has to be applied. If neither NORECOVERY, RECOVERY, or STANDBY is specified, RECOVERY is the default.

SQL Server requires that the WITH NORECOVERY option be used on all but the final RESTORE statement when restoring a database backup and multiple transaction logs, or when multiple RESTORE statements are needed (for example, a full database backup followed by a differential database backup).

Note When specifying the NORECOVERY option, the database is not usable in this intermediate, nonrecovered state.

When used with a file or filegroup restore operation, NORECOVERY forces the database to remain in load state after the restore operation. This is useful in either of these situations:

Instructs the restore operation to rollback any uncommitted transactions. After the recovery process, the database is ready for use.

If subsequent RESTORE operations (RESTORE LOG, or RESTORE DATABASE from differential) are planned, NORECOVERY or STANDBY should be specified instead.

If neither NORECOVERY, RECOVERY, or STANDBY is specified, RECOVERY is the default. The database version is updated for databases and transaction logs if RECOVERY is specified. For more information, see Creating and Applying Transaction Log Backups.

STANDBY = undo_file_name
Specifies the undo file name so the recovery effects can be undone. This file is of unlimited size. If neither NORECOVERY, RECOVERY, or STANDBY is specified, RECOVERY is the default.

STANDBY allows a database to be brought up for read-only access between transaction log restores and can be used with either warm backup server situations or special recovery situations in which it is useful to check the database between log restores.

If the specified undo file name does not exist, SQL Server creates it. If the file does exist, SQL Server overwrites it unless the file contains current undo information for a database.

The same undo file can be used for consecutive restores of the same database. For more information, see Using Standby Servers.

Important If free disk space is exhausted on the drive containing the specified undo file name, the restore operation stops.

Specifies that the tape is not unloaded automatically from the tape drive after a RESTORE. NOUNLOAD remains set until UNLOAD is specified. This option is used only for tape devices. If a nontape device is being used for the RESTORE, this option is ignored.
Specifies that the tape is automatically rewound and unloaded when the RESTORE is finished. UNLOAD is set by default when a new user session is started. It remains set until NOUNLOAD is specified. This option is used only for tape devices. If a nontape device is being used for the RESTORE, this option is ignored.
Specifies that SQL Server should create the specified database and its related files even if another database already exists with the same name. In such a case, the existing database is deleted. When the REPLACE option is not specified, a safety check occurs (which prevents overwriting a different database on accident). The safety check ensures that the RESTORE DATABASE statement will not restore the database to the current server if:
  1. The database named in the RESTORE statement already exists on the current server, and
  2. Either the database name is different from the database name recorded in the backup set,


    The set of files in the database is different from the set of database files contained in the backup set. Differences in file size are ignored.

When used with a file or filegroup restore operation, REPLACE allows overwriting of an existing file, which is useful only when attempting to restore a file on a disk that is replacing a failed disk.

Specifies that SQL Server should restart a restore operation that has been interrupted. RESTART restarts the restore operation at the point it was interrupted.

Important This option can only be used for restores directed from tape media and for restores that span multiple tape volumes.

STATS [= percentage]
Displays a message every time another percentage completes and is used to gauge progress. If percentage is omitted, SQL Server displays a message after every 10 percent completed.
Specifies the names of the logical files or filegroups to include in the database restore. Multiple files or filegroups can be specified.
FILE = {logical_file_name | @logical_file_name_var}
Names one or more files to include in the database restore.
FILEGROUP = {logical_filegroup_name | @logical_filegroup_name_var}
Names one or more filegroups to include in the database restore.

When this option is used, the transaction log must be applied to the database files immediately after the last file or filegroup restore operation to roll the files forward to be consistent with the rest of the database. If no files being restored have been modified since they were last backed up, a transaction log does not have to be applied. The RESTORE statement informs the user of this situation.

The RESTORE statement requires that one or more filegroups be restored in a single operation if indexes were created on these filegroups since the last time these files were backed up. This requirement of restoring the entire set of filegroup(s) is necessary whether the restore is from a filegroup backup or a full database backup. The RESTORE statement detects this filegroup situation and reports the minimum filegroups that must be restored.

Is a placeholder indicating that multiple files and filegroups may be specified. There is no maximum number of files or filegroups.
Specifies that a transaction log backup is to be applied to this database. Transaction logs must be applied in sequential order. SQL Server checks the backed up transaction log to ensure that the transactions are being loaded into the correct database and in the correct sequence. To apply multiple transaction logs, use the NORECOVERY option on all restore operations except the last. For more information, see Transaction Log Backups.
STOPAT = date_time | @date_time_var
Specifies that the database be restored to the state it was in as of the specified date and time. If a variable is used for STOPAT, the variable must be varchar, char, smalldatetime, or datetime data type. Only transaction log records written before the specified date and time are applied to the database. STOPAT cannot be used with NORECOVERY or STANDBY.

Note If you specify a STOPAT time that is beyond the end of the RESTORE LOG operation, the database is left in an unrecovered state, just as if RESTORE LOG had been run with NORECOVERY.


During the restore, the specified database must not be in use. Any data in the specified database is replaced by the restored data.

Cross-platform restores, even between different processor types, can be performed if the following sort order and character set restrictions are met:

For more information about database recovery, see Backing Up and Restoring Databases.

Restore Types

Here are the types of restores that SQL Server supports:

Important To maintain backward compatibility, the LOAD keyword can be used in place of the RESTORE keyword in the RESTORE statement syntax. In addition, the TRANSACTION keyword can be used in place of the LOG keyword in the RESTORE statement syntax.

Database Settings and Restoring

When you use the RESTORE DATABASE statement, the restorable database options (which are all the settable options of sp_dboption except offline and the merge publish, published, and subscribed replication options) are reset to the settings in force at the time the BACKUP operation ended.

Note This behavior differs from earlier versions of Microsoft SQL Server.

Using the WITH DBO_ONLY option, however, overrides this behavior for the dbo use only setting. This setting is always set following a RESTORE statement which includes the WITH DBO_ONLY option.

Restore History Tables

SQL Server includes the following restore history tables, which track the RESTORE activity for each computer system:

Note When a RESTORE is performed, the backup history tables are modified.

Restoring the master database because it has been damaged is performed using a special procedure. For more information, see Restoring the master Database.

Caution VOLUME is not an available option in SQL Server version 7.0. If VOLUME is specified, SQL Server returns an error message and halts the operation.


If the database being restored does not exist, the user must have CREATE DATABASE permissions. If the database does exist, RESTORE permissions default to members of the sysadmin fixed server role and the db_owner fixed database role.


Note All examples assume that a full database backup has been performed earlier.

A. Restore a full database

Note The MyNwind database is shown for illustration.

This example restores a full database backup.


    FROM MyNwind_1


B. Restore a full database and a differential backup

This example restores a full database backup followed by a differential backup restore. In addition, this example shows restoring the second backup set on the media. The differential backup was appended to the backup device that contains the full database backup.


    FROM MyNwind_1



    FROM MyNwind_1

    WITH FILE = 2


C. Restore a database using RESTART syntax

This example uses the RESTART option to restart a RESTORE operation that was interrupted by a server power failure.

-- This database RESTORE halted prematurely due to power failure.


    FROM MyNwind_1

-- Here is the RESTORE RESTART operation.




D. Restore a database and move files

This example restores a full database and transaction log and moves the restored database into the C:\Mssql7\Data directory.


    FROM MyNwind_1


        MOVE 'MyNwind' TO 'c:\mssql7\data\NewNwind.mdf',

        MOVE 'MyNwindLog1' TO 'c:\mssql7\data\NewNwind.ldf'


    FROM MyNwindLog1



E. Make a copy of a database using BACKUP and RESTORE

This example uses both the BACKUP and RESTORE statements to make a copy of the Northwind database. The MOVE statement causes the data and log file to be restored to the specified locations. The RESTORE FILELISTONLY statement is used to determine the number and names of the files in the database being restored. The new copy of the database is named TestDB. For more information, see RESTORE FILELISTONLY.


    TO DISK = 'c:\Northwind.bak'


    FROM DISK = 'c:\Northwind.bak'


    FROM DISK = 'c:\Northwind.bak'

    WITH MOVE 'Northwind' TO 'c:\test\testdb.mdf',

    MOVE 'Northwind_log' TO 'c:\test\testdb.ldf'



F. Restore to a point-in-time using STOPAT syntax and restore with more than one device

This example restores a database to its state as of 12:00 A.M. on April 15, 1998, and shows a restore operation that involves multiple logs and multiple backup devices.

    FROM MyNwind_1, MyNwind_2

    FROM MyNwindLog1

    FROM MyNwindLog2
    WITH RECOVERY, STOPAT = 'Apr 15, 1998 12:00 AM'


G. Restore using DISK syntax

This example restores a full database backup from a DISK backup device.


    FROM DISK = 'c:\mssql7\backup\MyNwind.bak'


H. Restore using TAPE syntax

This example restores a full database backup from a TAPE backup device.


    FROM TAPE = '\\.\tape0'


I. Restore using FILE and FILEGROUP syntax

This example illustrates restoring a database with two files, one filegroup, and one transaction log.


    FILE = 'MyNwind_data_1',

    FILE = 'MyNwind_data_2',

    FILEGROUP = 'new_customers'
    FROM MyNwind_1


-- Restore the log backup.

    FROM MyNwindLog1


See Also
Using Identifiers sp_addumpdevice
RESTORE FILELISTONLY Understanding Media Sets and Families


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