RTblProps SQL Table

See Also

An annotational property is a property that is associated with an individual Microsoft® Repository object or relationship, and is not required to exist for all Repository objects or relationships of a particular type. This SQL table contains one row for each annotational property instance that is attached to a Repository object. The IntID and PropID columns comprise the primary key for this table. A single non-unique index is defined on the concatenation of the PropID and PropValue columns.

Column Name Data Type Description

IntID RTIntID The internal identifier for the object to which this annotational property is attached.
PropID RTIntID The internal identifier for the inverted property definition object to which this annotational property instance conforms.
PropValue RTShortString The value of the annotational property instance.


Remember that each annotation property value applies to an object as a whole – not to an individual version of that object. That’s why this table does not include columns such as Z_BranchID_Z and Z_VS_Z – columns that help identify individual versions of Repository objects.

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