RTblRelships Example One

In the simplest case, a Relationship row describes exactly one version-to-version relationship. If Z_OrgVS_Z  =  Z_OrgVE_Z, then the range of origin versions contains exactly one item. Similarly, if Z_DstVS_Z  =  Z_DstVE_Z, then the range of destination versions contains exactly one item. If both these equalities hold, the row describes exactly one version-to-version relationship. For example, if a row has the following values, it indicates that there is a version-to-version relationship between a version of the object whose internal ID is 7 and a version of the object whose internal ID is 888.

OrgID  =  7
Z_OrgBrID_Z  = 1
Z_OrgVS_Z  =  3
Z_OrgVE_Z  =  3
DstID  =  888
Z_DstBrID_Z  =  4
Z_DstVS_Z  =  2
Z_DstVE_Z  =  2
RelTypeID  =  465
Z_RelFlags_Z  =  2

Note that some column values are not shown here.

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