RTblTypeLibs SQL Table

See Also

This SQL table relates the internal object identifiers for Microsoft® Repository type libraries (information models) to their corresponding global identifiers. The IntID, Z_BranchID_Z, and Z_VS_Z columns form the primary key for this table.

Column Name Data Type Description

IntID RTIntID The internal identifier for the Repository type library.
Z_BranchID_Z RTBrID The value of this column is always zero.
Z_VS_Z RTVerID The value of this column is always zero.
Z_VE_Z RTVerID The value of this column is always VERINFINITY.
TypeLibID RTGUID The global identifier for the Repository type library, as recorded in the system registry.


Remember that you can make only one version of each TypeLib object. Nevertheless, this table includes the columns Z_BranchID_Z, Z_VS_Z, and Z_VE_Z because there are implementation advantages to including these columns. Similarly, the primary key includes the columns Z_BranchID_Z and Z_VS_Z for implementation reasons only.

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