CollectionDefFlags Enumeration

See Also

These values are used to define the behavior of a Relationship collection. These flags are bit flags, and may be combined to set multiple options. The absence of a flag signifies that the option is not set.

enum {
} CollectionDefFlags;
Value Description
COLLECTION_CASESENSITIVE Specifies that the relationship type for the collection permits the use of case-sensitive names for destination objects. This descriptor is meaningful only for collections whose relationship type permits destination objects to be named.
COLLECTION_NAMING Specifies that the relationship type for the collection permits the naming of destination objects.
COLLECTION_SEQUENCED Specifies that the items in the collection have an explicitly defined sequence. Collections of origin objects are never sequenced.
COLLECTION_UNIQUENAMING Specifies that the relationship type for the collection requires that the name of a destination object be unique within the collection of destination objects. This descriptor is meaningful only for collections whose relationship type permits destination objects to be named.
COLLECTION_PROPAGATEDELETE Specifies that the relationship type for the collection requires that deletes be propagated to destination objects. The destination object is only deleted if this is the last relationship of this type that is connected to the object.
COLLECTION_NEWORGVERSIONSPARTICIPATE If this flag is set, the CreateVersion method copies origin collections of this type from the predecessor creation version to the newly created (successor) version.
COLLECTION_NEWORGVERSIONSDONOTPARTICIPATE This flag is the opposite of the COLLECTION_NEWORGVERSIONSPARTICIPATE flag. Thus, they cannot both be set at the same time. However, since the default setting for each of them is unset, it is possible for both flags to be unset at the same time. If both flags are unset, Microsoft® Repository operates as if the COLLECTION_NEWORGVERSIONSPARTICIPATE flag is set. That is, during the creation of a new version of a repository object, Repository does copy new origin collections from a predecessor creation version to a successor version.
COLLECTION_MERGEWHOLE If this flag is set, the MergeVersion method sets any origin collection of this type in the successor version to be identical to corresponding collection of either the primary version or the secondary version of the merge. If this flag is not set, MergeVersion combines the individual origin versioned relationships from the primary version and the secondary version into the successor version. For details about how MergeVersion combines the origin version relationship for inclusion in the successor version’s origin collection, see The Details of Merge BehaviorreconThe_Details_of_Merge_Behavior.

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