These constants are defined for the Microsoft® Repository application programming interface.
Constant | Value | Description |
CARD_NOLIMIT | 0xFFFF | The maximum count value for a collection with an unlimited number of items. |
COLUMNNAMESIZE | 32 | Maximum length, in bytes, of an SQL column name. |
INTID_NULL | 0xFFFFFFFF | The null internal identifier. |
MEMBERNAMESIZE | 64 | Maximum length, in bytes, of a property, method, or collection type name. |
OBJID_NULL | See reptim.h | The null object identifier. Use this value when you want Repository to assign an object identifier for you. |
PASSWORDSIZE | 64 | Maximum length, in bytes, of the password string that is used to connect to the Repository database. |
PROPVALSIZE | 225 | Maximum length, in bytes, of an annotational property string. |
RELSHIPNAMESIZE | 249 | Maximum length, in bytes, of a name that a relationship assigns to its destination object. |
REPOSERROR_OBJKNOWN | 0x00000001L | Returned in the fFlags field of the REPOSERROR structure. Indicates that the object identifier is known. |
REPOSERROR_SQLINFO | 0x00000002L | Returned in the fFlags field of the REPOSERROR structure. Indicates that the SQL error information is valid. |
REPOSERROR_HELPAVAIL | 0x00000004L | Returned in the fFlags field of the REPOSERROR structure. Indicates that the rcHelpFile and dwHelpContext fields are valid. |
REPOSERROR_MSG_SIZE | 256 | Maximum length, in bytes, of the message in the rcMsg field of the REPOSERROR structure. |
TABLENAMESIZE | 32 | Maximum length, in bytes, of an SQL table name. |
TIMESTAMP_NULL | {9999, 12, 31, 0, 0, 0, 0} | The null timestamp value. |
TYPEINFONAMESIZE | 64 | Maximum length, in bytes, of a class, interface, or relationship type name. |
TYPELIBNAMESIZE | 64 | Maximum length, in bytes, of a Repository type library name. |
USERSIZE | 64 | Maximum length, in bytes, of the user name that is used to connect to the Repository database. |