IRelationshipCol Interface

See Also

A relationship collection is the set of versioned relationships that connect a particular source object version to a set of one or more target objects. All of the relationships in the collection must conform to the same relationship type.

When to Use

Use the IRelationshipCol interface to manage the Microsoft® Repository relationships that belong to a particular relationship collection. With this interface, you can:


IUnknown Method Description
QueryInterface Returns pointers to supported interfaces.
AddRef Increments the reference count.
Release Decrements the reference count.

IDispatch Method Description
GetIDsOfNames Maps a single member and a set of argument names to a corresponding set of dispatch identifiers.
GetTypeInfo Retrieves a type information object, which can be used to get the type information for an interface.
GetTypeInfoCount Retrieves the number of type information interfaces that an object provides (either 0 or 1).
Invoke Provides access to properties and methods exposed by an Automation object.

IRelationshipCol Method Description
Add Adds a relationship to the collection.
get_Count Retrieves a count of the number of relationships in the collection.
_NewEnum Retrieves an enumeration interface pointer for the collection.
get_Source Retrieves an interface pointer for the collection's source object.
get_Type Retrieves the object identifier for the collection's definition object.
Insert Inserts a relationship into a specific spot in a sequenced collection.
get_Item Retrieves an IRelationship interface pointer for the specified relationship.
Move Moves a relationship from one spot to another in a sequenced collection.
Refresh Refreshes the cached image of the relationship collection.
Remove Removes a relationship from the collection.


The IRelationshipCol interface is very similar to the ITargetObjectCol interface. Use the IRelationshipCol interface when you are primarily interested in working with relationships. Use the ITargetObjectCol interface when you are primarily interested in working with objects.

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