VersionedRelationship Delete Method

See Also

This method deletes a relationship from its relationship collection.


Call object.Delete

The Delete method syntax has the following parts.

Part Description
Object An object expression that evaluates to a VersionedRelationship object.


If the item to be deleted is an origin versioned relationship, this method fails unless the source object version is changeable. If the source object version is changeable, Microsoft® Repository deletes the entire relationship (rather than merely removing one item from the relationship's TargetVersions collection). In other words, after this method finishes, no version of the destination object remains related to the origin object version. Then, if the relationship is a delete-propagating relationship, Repository considers performing one or more propagated deletions. (See Propagation after removing an origin relationship.)

If the item to be deleted is a destination versioned relationship, the Repository performs object-version Resolution to yield a single origin object version from the relationship's TargetVersions collection. If that origin object version is unchangeable, this method fails. If that origin object version is changeable, Repository removes it from the relationship's TargetVersions collection. Then, if the relationship is a delete-propagating relationship, Repository considers performing one or more propagated deletions. (See Propagation after removing a delete-propagating destination relationship.)

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