Distributor Property (Replication)

The Distributor property specifies the Distributor used by the Publisher.

Applies To
SQLDistribution Object SQLMerge Object


object.Distributor [= value]

Part Description
object Expression that evaluates to an object in the Applies To list
value Name of the Distributor used by the Publisher


Distributor is an optional property.

The Distributor is the Microsoft® SQL Server™ computer that logs replication history and statistics. For the SQL Distribution control, it is also the location of the store-and-forward database that contains the replicated transactions.

If the DistributorNetwork and DistributorAddress properties are specified, they will be used instead of the Distributor property when connecting to the Distributor.

If Distributor connection properties are not specified, it is assumed the Publisher and Distributor are the same SQL Server computer, and Publisher connection properties will be used when connecting to the Distributor.

Data Type




Prototype C/C++

HRESULT get_Distributor(BSTR *pVal);

HRESULT put_Distributor(BSTR newVal);

See Also
DistributorAddress Property  


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