How to define an article (Enterprise Manager)

Note After subscriptions are created, articles cannot be added or removed. To add or remove an article, you must first drop all subscriptions.

To define an article

  1. Expand a server group; then expand the Publisher.
  2. On the Tools menu, point to Replication, and then click Create and Manage Publications.
  3. Expand the database containing the publication to which an article will be added.
  4. Click the publication; then click Properties & Subscriptions.
  5. Click the Articles tab.
  6. Select Both Published and Unpublished to see a list of all available objects.
  7. Select Include stored procs if this is a snapshot or transactional publication and you want to publish stored procedures.
  8. Click the article to add or click Publish All to publish all the objects.
  9. Click the build button (...) to set article options.
See Also

Defining an Article


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