How to create a publication for a Jet 4.0 Subscriber (Enterprise Manager)

To create a publication for a Microsoft Jet 4.0 Subscriber

  1. Expand a server group; then expand the Publisher.
  2. On the Tools menu, point to Replication, and then click Create and Manage Publications.
  3. In the Databases and Publications list, click the database from which to create a publication list, and then click Create Publication.
  4. Follow the steps in the wizard.
  5. If creating a transactional publication, select One or more Subscribers will not be a server running SQL Server when asked What type of Subscribers will subscribe to this publication?
  6. If creating a merge publication, select Some Subscribers will be Microsoft Jet 4.0 databases when asked What type of Subscribers will subscribe to this publication?
  7. Follow the remaining steps in the wizard.


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