How to add a push subscription to a Jet 4.0 Subscriber (Enterprise Manager)

To add a push subscription to a Microsoft Jet 4.0 Subscriber

  1. Expand a server group; then expand the Publisher.
  2. On the Tools menu, point to Replication, and then click Push Subscriptions to Others.
  3. Expand the database containing the publication to which a push subscription will be added.
  4. Click the publication; then click Push New Subscription.
  5. Follow the steps in the wizard.
  6. If the subscription is to a merge publication, when asked to set the subscription priority, click the priority that corresponds to the type of subscription known to Microsoft® Access. If you want the subscription to be an Access Local or Anonymous replica, select Use the priority setting of the Publisher from which this subscription is created. If you want the subscription to be an Access Global replica, select Use the following priority to resolve the conflict and set the desired priority.
  7. Follow the remaining steps in the wizard.


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