Using SQL Merge and SQL Distribution Controls in a Custom Application

The Microsoft® ActiveX® replication control sample programs demonstrate how to include the SQL Merge and SQL Distribution controls in a custom application.

The script that creates a Distributor and sample transactional and merge publications is located in the \Mssql7\Devtools\Samples\Sqlrepl\Replctl directory. Use this file:

Sample Microsoft Visual Basic® code that demonstrates how to include the SQL Distribution and SQL Merge controls in a custom application is located in the \Mssql7\Devtools\Samples\Sqlrepl\Replctl\Vb directory. Use these files:

Sample C++ code that demonstrates how to include the SQL Distribution and SQL Merge controls in a custom application is located in the \Mssql7\Devtools\Samples\Sqlrepl\Replctl\Cpp directory. Use these files:

To run the sample programs

  1. Run Instsamp.sql to create the Distributor and sample transactional and merge publications. Instsamp.sql also creates a pull subscription to each publication in the pubs_replica database.
  2. Run the Snapshot Agents for each publication by using Replication Monitor.
  3. Compile and run the Visual Basic program ReplSamp to deliver publication snapshots to the two subscriptions.
  4. Make modifications to the published tables and deliver the updates using ReplSamp.


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