
Enumerates error codes. Use this enumerator to determine the meaning of a returned error code.

ErrorCode Description
mderrAggregationUsageNotCustom The EnableAggregations property cannot be set for levels in dimensions whose AggregationUsage property is not dimAggUsageCustom.
mderrBadParameterForServiceState Invalid service state parameter on the computer.
mderrCannotAddVirtualDimension Cannot add a virtual dimension because its source dimension is not in the database.
mderrCannotCloneObjectIntoItself Cannot clone an object into itself.
mderrCannotCommitDatabase Unable to create a database on the OLAP server.
mderrCannotCreatePartition No system partition is available for this operation . System partitions have been programmatically defined as user partitions. User-defined partitions are available only if you install Microsoft® SQL Server™ OLAP Services, Enterprise Edition.
mderrCannotDeleteDimension A dimension cannot be deleted because it is used in a cube.
Cannot delete the last partition in a cube. (A cube must have at least one partition.)
mderrCannotDeleteLevel Cannot delete a level if it is used in a virtual dimension.
mderrCannotDeleteMemberProperty Cannot delete a member property if it is used in a virtual dimension.
Cannot change a property of a shared dimension (or subordinate level) used in a cube.
mderrCannotRemoveMeasureFromDefaultAggregation Cannot remove a measure from an aggregation created by PartitionAnalyzer.
mderrCannotRenameObject Only temporary objects can be renamed.
mderrCannotSaveInsideTransaction Cannot save object inside a Decision Support Objects (DSO) transaction.
Raised if you try to remove an item from a collection that does not exist in the collection.
mderrCollectionReadOnly Cannot add an object to, or remove an object from, a collection that is read-only.
mderrCouldNotLockObject Raised if you try to lock an object that is already locked (by someone else).
The OLAP server runs as a Microsoft Windows NT® service. This error is raised if the service could not be opened. For more information about the CouldNotOpenService error, see the Microsoft Win32® API Programmer’s Reference.
The OLAP server runs as a Windows NT service. This error is raised if the service control manager could not be opened. For more information about the CouldNotOpenServiceControlManager error, see the Microsoft Win32 API Programmer’s Reference.
The OLAP server runs as a Windows NT service. This error is raised if the service could not be queried. For more information about the CouldNotQueryTheService error, see the Microsoft Win32 API Programmer’s Reference.
mderrDifferentAggregationDatasources Partitions cannot be merged because source and target partitions have different relational data sources.
mderrDifferentAggregationNumber Partitions cannot be merged because source and target partitions have different number of aggregations.
mderrDifferentAggregationOLAPMode Partitions cannot be merged because source and target partitions have different storage modes.
mderrDifferentAggregationStructure Partitions cannot be merged because source and target partitions have different structures or storage modes.
Dimension is locked because it is currently being used in a cube. Remove the dimension from the cube to unlock the dimension.
Cannot add to a virtual cube a dimension that is not in any of the cubes on which the virtual cube is based.
Cannot add to a collection an item with the same name as an item already in the collection.
mderrIllegalObjectName Cannot assign an illegal name to an object.
mderrInvalidLockType Invalid LockType argument value.
mderrInvalidParent An object that is not a member of a collection has no parent.
mderrInvalidPropertySetting Cannot add an object to, or remove an object from, a collection that is read-only.
mderrLockAccessError Unable to lock an object already locked.
mderrLockCannotBeObtained Unable to obtain a lock from the server.
mderrLockDescriptionTooLong Lock description is longer than permitted.
mderrLockFileCorrupted The server reported that the lock file is corrupted.
mderrLockFileMissing The server reported that the lock file is missing.
mderrLockNetworkDown Network error.
mderrLockNetworkNameNotFound Cannot find name on the network.
mderrLockNetworkPathNotFound Cannot find this network path.
mderrLockObjectNotLocked Cannot unlock an object that is not locked.
mderrLockSystemError A lock cannot be obtained because of an unknown error.
Cannot add a measure to a virtual cube if the name of the measure's source column is not in the correct format.
mderrNameCannotBeChanged Cannot change a DSO object name unless the object is a temporary object.
mderrNameCannotBeEmpty An object cannot have an empty name.
mderrObjectChangedByAnotherApp Cannot save object because it was not locked and was changed by another object.
Cannot update an object that is not write-locked.
mderrPropertyCannotBeChanged Property cannot be changed in this context.
mderrRepositoryConnectionFailed Object repository may be read-only.
mderrRepositoryIncompatible Repository is incompatible with this version of DSO.
mderrSourceDoesNotExist Cannot merge partitions - source partition does not exist.
mderrTargetDoesNotExist Cannot merge partitions - target partition does not exist.
The maximum number of levels in a dimension is 64 (63 plus the All level).
mderrUnsuccesfullServiceOperation The OLAP server service (MSSQLServerOLAPService) is not running on the specified computer.

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