Connect to a Server

The example code in this section shows you how to connect to an OLAP server and list some of its property values. You must complete this section before moving on to subsequent examples.

Begin a new Microsoft® Visual Basic® project. Be sure to add Microsoft Decision Support Objects and Microsoft ActiveX® Data Objects to the program references.

Add the following to the Declarations section of the form:

Option Explicit

Public dsoServer As DSO.Server

Public dsoDB As DSO.MDStore

Public dsoCube As DSO.MDStore

In the Form_Load section add the following code:

Private Sub Form_Load()

    On Error GoTo FormLoad_Err


    Dim intClassType As Integer

    Dim strClassType As String


    'Initialize global objects

    Set dsoDB = Nothing

    Set dsoCube = Nothing


    'Create instance of server and connect.

    '"LocalHost" will default to the

    'local Windows NT Server where the

    'OLAP server is installed.   

    Set dsoServer = New DSO.Server

    dsoServer.Connect ("LocalHost")


    'Get the class type and describe it.

    intClassType = dsoServer.ClassType

    Select Case intClassType

        Case clsServer

            strClassType = "Server"

        Case Else

            strClassType = "Invalid Class Type"

    End Select


    'Show the server’s information to the user.

    Debug.Print "Server Properties:"

    Debug.Print "Name: " & dsoServer.Name

    Debug.Print "ClassType: " & dsoServer.ClassType

    Debug.Print "Description: " & dsoServer.Description

    Debug.Print "machine: " & dsoServer.Machine


    Exit Sub


    Debug.Print "Error connecting to server"

    Debug.Print Err.Number, Err.Description, Err.Source


    Debug.Assert False

End Sub

If the OLAP server is not installed on the computer on which you are running this example, change “LocalHost” to the name of the Microsoft Windows NT® Server computer where the OLAP server is installed and running.

Save your project and run the application. Check the output in the Immediate window to confirm that your server has been successfully initialized.


Create a Database

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