Add Dimensions and Levels

The dimensions of a cube store data derived from relational database tables and contain the categorical data you want to analyze.

The dimensions you build (for example, time, customer education, and customer age) should be distinct categories you want to add to cubes in your database. A dimension can be created from a single dimension table (star schema) or from multiple dimension tables (snowflake schema). Dimensions are classified as either standard or time dimensions, depending upon the data type of the corresponding column in the dimension table.

Collections of dimensions are contained within objects of ClassType clsDatabase, clsCube, clsPartition, and clsAggregation. The dimension objects contained within each of these collections are of respective ClassTypes clsDatabaseDimension, clsCubeDimension, clsPartitionDimension, and clsAggregationDimension.

The List Dimension example (below) lists existing dimensions and their related levels. The Add Dimensions example creates new dimensions and levels.

List Dimension

Add a command button to the form named cmdListDimensions. Add the following code to the cmdListDimensions_Click() event:

Private Sub cmdListDimensions_Click()

    Dim dsoTempDB As DSO.MDStore

    Dim dsoDim As DSO.Dimension

    Dim dsoLev As DSO.Level

    Dim DBCounter As Integer

    Dim DimCounter As Integer

    Dim LevCounter As Integer


    'Step through the databases in the server's MDStores collection

    For DBCounter = 1 To dsoServer.MDStores.Count

        Set dsoTempDB = dsoServer.MDStores(DBCounter)

        Debug.Print "DATABASE: " & dsoTempDB.Name & " / " & _



        'Step through the dimensions in the cube's Dimensions collection

        For DimCounter = 1 To dsoTempDB.Dimensions.Count

            Set dsoDim = dsoTempDB.Dimensions(DimCounter)

            Debug.Print "    Dimension: " & dsoDim.Name


            'Step through dimension levels

            For LevCounter = 1 To dsoDim.Levels.Count

                Set dsoLev = dsoDim.Levels(LevCounter)

                Debug.Print "        Level: " & dsoLev.Name

            Next LevCounter

        Next DimCounter

    Next DBCounter

End Sub

Save your project and run the application. The Immediate window will list the dimensions and levels for each database.

Add Dimensions

Add a command button to the form named cmdAddDimensions. Add the following code to the cmdAddDimensions_Click() event:

Private Sub cmdAddDimensions_Click()

    On Error GoTo AddDimension_Err


    Dim dsoDS As DSO.DataSource

    Dim dsoDim As DSO.Dimension

    Dim dsoLev As DSO.Level

    Dim strDBName As String

    Dim strCubeName As String

    Dim strMsg As String

    Dim bResponse As VbMsgBoxResult

    Dim DimCounter As Integer


    'Do we have a database?

    If dsoDB Is Nothing Then

        strDBName = InputBox("Database to add dimensions to.", _

        "Add Dimensions - Database")

        If strDBName = "" Then

            MsgBox ("You must enter the name of a Database")

            Exit Sub

        End If


        If Not dsoServer.MDStores.Find(strDBName) Then

            MsgBox (strDBName & " database not found on this server")

            Exit Sub


            Set dsoDB = dsoServer.MDStores(strDBName)

        End If

    End If


    'We must have a datasource for the database

    If dsoDB.DataSources.Count = 0 Then

        MsgBox ("Please add a Datasource")

        Exit Sub


        Set dsoDS = dsoDB.DataSources(1)

    End If


    strMsg = "Create Dimensions and Levels for database " & dsoDB.Name

    bResponse = MsgBox(strMsg, vbOKCancel, "Add Dimensions and Levels")


    'Add shared dimensions to Database

    If bResponse = vbOK Then

        'Create Product Dimension and Levels

        Set dsoDim = dsoDB.Dimensions.AddNew("Products")

        Set dsoDim.DataSource = dsoDS   'Dimension DataSource

        dsoDim.FromClause = "product"   'Related Table

        dsoDim.JoinClause = ""          'Used in snowflake schema


        'Product Brand Level

        Set dsoLev = dsoDim.Levels.AddNew("Brand Name")

        dsoLev.MemberKeyColumn = """product"".""brand_name"""

        dsoLev.ColumnSize = 255

        dsoLev.ColumnType = adWChar

        dsoLev.EstimatedSize = 1


        'Product Name Level

        Set dsoLev = dsoDim.Levels.AddNew("Product Name")

        dsoLev.MemberKeyColumn = """product"".""product_name"""

        dsoLev.ColumnSize = 255

        dsoLev.ColumnType = adWChar

        dsoLev.EstimatedSize = 1

        'Update the dimension



        'Create Store Dimension and Levels

        Set dsoDim = dsoDB.Dimensions.AddNew("Store")

        Set dsoDim.DataSource = dsoDS   'Dimension DataSource

        dsoDim.FromClause = "store"     'Related Table

        dsoDim.JoinClause = ""


        'Store Type Level

        Set dsoLev = dsoDim.Levels.AddNew("Store Type")

        dsoLev.MemberKeyColumn = """store"".""store_type"""

        dsoLev.ColumnSize = 255

        dsoLev.ColumnType = adWChar

        dsoLev.EstimatedSize = 1


        'Store Id Level

        Set dsoLev = dsoDim.Levels.AddNew("Store Id")

        dsoLev.MemberKeyColumn = """store"".""store_id"""

        dsoLev.ColumnSize = 4

        dsoLev.ColumnType = adInteger

        dsoLev.EstimatedSize = 1


        'Store Name Level

        Set dsoLev = dsoDim.Levels.AddNew("Store Name")

        dsoLev.MemberKeyColumn = """store"".""store_name"""

        dsoLev.ColumnSize = 255

        dsoLev.ColumnType = adWChar

        dsoLev.EstimatedSize = 1


        'Update the dimension



        'Create Time Dimension and Levels

        Set dsoDim = dsoDB.Dimensions.AddNew("Time")

        Set dsoDim.DataSource = dsoDS

        dsoDim.FromClause = "time_by_day"

        dsoDim.JoinClause = ""


        'Year Level

        Set dsoLev = dsoDim.Levels.AddNew("Year")

        dsoLev.MemberKeyColumn = _


        dsoLev.ColumnSize = 10

        dsoLev.ColumnType = 2

        dsoLev.EstimatedSize = 1


        'Quarter Level

        Set dsoLev = dsoDim.Levels.AddNew("Quarter")

        dsoLev.MemberKeyColumn = _


        dsoLev.ColumnSize = 4

        dsoLev.ColumnType = adSmallInt

        dsoLev.EstimatedSize = 1


        'Month Level

        Set dsoLev = dsoDim.Levels.AddNew("Month")

        dsoLev.MemberKeyColumn = _


        dsoLev.ColumnSize = 4

        dsoLev.ColumnType = adSmallInt

        dsoLev.EstimatedSize = 1


        'Week Level

        Set dsoLev = dsoDim.Levels.AddNew("Week")

        dsoLev.MemberKeyColumn = _

        "Format(""time_by_day"".""the_date"",'medium date')"

        dsoLev.ColumnSize = 20

        dsoLev.ColumnType = adChar

        dsoLev.EstimatedSize = 1


        'Update the dimension




        'Tell the user it was successful.

        MsgBox ("Dimension and Levels added")


        MsgBox ("Canceled - No dimensions added")

    End If


    Exit Sub


    Debug.Print "Error adding new dimension"

    Debug.Print Err.Number, Err.Description, Err.Source


End Sub

Save your project and run the application. Try adding dimensions and levels. Verify that the dimensions and levels have been successfully added by listing dimensions and levels.

Note Since we are using the FoodMart sample database for these exercises, the information for dimension names, FromClause, and MemberKeyColumn are hard coded. To add other dimension/level data you will need to provide the proper information for specific properties.


Add a Cube

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