Add a Cube

Each database contains an MDStores collection of cubes, that is, objects of ClassType clsCube. A cube is the central object in a multidimensional database. A cube contains dimensions and their levels, measures, data sources, roles, and commands. Each cube also contains an MDStores collection of partitions, that is, objects of ClassType clsPartition.

In the previous examples you created a new database and added a datasource along with shared dimensions and levels. The following three examples in this topic demonstrate the steps required to list, add, and remove a cube.

List Cubes

Add a command button to the form named cmdListCubes. Add the following code to the cmdListCubes_Click() event:

Private Sub cmdListCubes_Click()

    Dim dsoTempDB As DSO.MDStore

    Dim dsoTempCube As DSO.MDStore

    Dim DBCounter As Integer

    Dim CubeCounter As Integer


    'Step through the databases in the server's MDStores collection

    For DBCounter = 1 To dsoServer.MDStores.Count

        Set dsoTempDB = dsoServer.MDStores(DBCounter)

        Debug.Print "DATABASE: " & dsoTempDB.Name & " / " & _



        'Step through the cubes in the database's MDStores collection

        If dsoTempDB.MDStores.Count = 0 Then

            Debug.Print "  Cube: None"


            For CubeCounter = 1 To dsoTempDB.MDStores.Count

                Set dsoTempCube = dsoTempDB.MDStores(CubeCounter)

                Debug.Print "  Cube: " & dsoTempCube.Name

                'Inform the user whether this cube is regular

                'Or virtual.

                If dsoTempCube.SubClassType = sbclsRegular Then

                   Debug.Print "       SubClassType: Regular"

                   Debug.Print "        SourceTable: " & _



                    Debug.Print "       SubClassType: Virtual"

                End If

             Next CubeCounter

        End If

    Next DBCounter

End Sub

Save your project and run the application. Try listing the cubes.

Add a Cube

In the following example, we will add a cube to the MDStores collection of the database using these steps:

  1. Add the cube to the MDStores collection of the database by using its AddNew method.
  2. Add a data source to the newly created cube.
  3. Set the SourceTable property of the cube and estimate the number of rows in this table in the EstimatedRows property.
  4. Add the shared dimensions (that were created in the previous section) to the cube’s Dimensions collection by using the AddNew method of that collection.
  5. Create a JOIN clause for connecting the dimension table to the source table, and then assign it to the cube’s JoinClause property.
  6. Make the changes to this cube permanent by calling the cube’s Update method.

Add a command button to the form named cmdAddCube. Add the following code to the cmdAddCube_Click() event:

Private Sub cmdAddCube_Click()

    On Error GoTo AddCube_Err


    Dim dsoDS As DSO.DataSource

    Dim strDBName As String

    Dim strCubeName As String


    'Do we have a database?

    If dsoDB Is Nothing Then

        strDBName = InputBox("Database to add new Cube to.", _

        "Add Cube")

        If strDBName = "" Then

            MsgBox ("You must enter the name of a Database")

            Exit Sub

        End If


        If Not dsoServer.MDStores.Find(strDBName) Then

            MsgBox (strDBName & " database not found on this server")

            Exit Sub


            Set dsoDB = dsoServer.MDStores(strDBName)

        End If

    End If


    'Does database have an attached datasource?

    If dsoDB.DataSources.Count = 0 Then

        MsgBox ("Please attach Datasource to Database")

        Exit Sub

    End If


    'Does database have Dimensions and Levels?

    If dsoDB.Dimensions.Count = 0 Then

        MsgBox ("Please add Dimensions to Database")

        Exit Sub

    End If


    'Enter Cube Name and check for duplicate

    strCubeName = InputBox("Enter the new cube name.", _

    "Adding New Cube")

    If strCubeName <> "" Then

        If dsoDB.MDStores.Find(strCubeName) Then

            MsgBox (strCubeName & " already exists")

            Exit Sub

        End If

    End If


    'Create new Cube

    Set dsoCube = dsoDB.MDStores.AddNew(strCubeName)

    'Set the cube's DataSource

    Set dsoDS = dsoDB.DataSources(1)

    dsoCube.DataSources.AddNew (dsoDS.Name)


    'Set source Fact Table and Estimated Rows in Fact Table

    dsoCube.SourceTable = """sales_fact_1998"""

    dsoCube.EstimatedRows = 100000


    'Add shared dimensions that were created under

    'cmdAddDimensions_Click method

    dsoCube.Dimensions.AddNew ("Products")

    dsoCube.Dimensions.AddNew ("Store")

    dsoCube.Dimensions.AddNew ("Time")


    'Create joins between Fact Table and Dimension tables

    'Set strJoin = “sales_fact_1998.product_id = product.product_id AND

    '               sales_fact_1998.store_id = store.store_id AND

    '               sales_fact_1998.time_id = time_by_day.time_id”

    Dim strJoin As String


    'Fact Table to Product Table join

    'sales_fact_1998.product_id = product.product_id

    strJoin = "(""sales_fact_1998"".""product_id""=""product"".""product_id"")"

    strJoin = strJoin & " AND "


    'Fact Table to Store Table join

    'sales_fact_1998.store_id = store.store_id

    strJoin = strJoin & "(""sales_fact_1998"".""store_id""=""store"".""store_id"")"

    strJoin = strJoin & " AND "


    'Fact Table to Time Table join

    'sales_fact_1998.time_id = time_by_day.time_id

    strJoin = strJoin & "(""sales_fact_1998"".""time_id""=""time_by_day"".""time_id"")"


    dsoCube.JoinClause = strJoin

    'Update the cube


    MsgBox (strCubeName & " and Dimensions added")


    Exit Sub


    Debug.Print "Error adding new cube"

    Debug.Print Err.Number, Err.Description, Err.Source


End Sub

Save your project and run the application. Click Add Cube, and then enter a unique name for the new cube. Verify that the cube was added by listing cubes.

Remove a Cube

Add a command button to the form named cmdRemoveCube. Add the following code to the cmdRemoveCube_Click() event:

Private Sub cmdRemoveCube_Click()

    On Error GoTo RemoveCube_Err


    Dim strDBName As String

    Dim strCubeName As String


     'Do we have a database?

    If dsoDB Is Nothing Then

        strDBName = InputBox("Database to remove cube from.", _

        "Remove Cube")

        If strDBName = "" Then

            MsgBox ("You must enter the name of a Database")

            Exit Sub

        End If


        If Not dsoServer.MDStores.Find(strDBName) Then

            MsgBox (strDBName & " database not found on this server")

            Exit Sub


            Set dsoDB = dsoServer.MDStores(strDBName)

        End If

    End If


   ' Do we have a cube?

   If dsoCube Is Nothing Then

        strCubeName = InputBox("Enter the name of the cube to be removed.", _

        "Removing Cube")

        If strCubeName = "" Then

            MsgBox ("You must enter the name of a cube to remove")

            Exit Sub

        End If


        If Not dsoDB.MDStores.Find(strCubeName) Then

            MsgBox (strCubeName & " cube not found on this database")

            Exit Sub


            Set dsoCube = dsoDB.MDStores(strCubeName)

        End If


        dsoDB.MDStores.Remove strCubeName

        MsgBox (strCubeName & " removed")

    End If


    Exit Sub


    Debug.Print "Error removing cube"

    Debug.Print Err.Number, Err.Description, Err.Source


End Sub

Save your project and run the application. Try removing the cube. Verify that the cube has been removed by listing cubes.


Add Measures

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