sp_add_alert (T-SQL)

Creates an alert.


sp_add_alert [@name =] 'name'
    [, [@message_id =] message_id]
    [, [@severity =] severity]
    [, [@enabled =] enabled]
    [, [@delay_between_responses =] delay_between_responses]
    [, [@notification_message =] 'notification_message']
    [, [@include_event_description_in =] include_event_description_in]
    [, [@database_name =] 'database']
    [, [@event_description_keyword =] 'event_description_keyword_pattern']
    [, {[@job_id =] job_id | [@job_name =] 'job_name'}]
    [, [@raise_snmp_trap =] raise_snmp_trap]
    [, [@performance_condition =] 'performance_condition']
    [, [@category_name =] 'category']

[@name =] 'name'
Is the name of the alert. The name appears in the e-mail or page sent in response to the alert. It must be unique and can contain the % character. name is sysname, with no default.
[@message_id =] message_id
Is the message error number that defines the alert. (It usually corresponds to an error number in the sysmessages table.) message_id is int, with a default of 0. If severity is used to define the alert, message_id must be 0 or NULL.

Note Only sysmessages errors written to the Microsoft® Windows NT® application log can cause an alert to be sent.

[@severity =] severity
Is the severity level (1 through 25) that defines the alert. Any Microsoft SQL Server™ message stored in the sysmessages table that is sent to the Microsoft Windows NT application log with the indicated severity causes the alert to be sent. severity is int, with a default of 0. If message_id is used to define the alert, severity must be 0.
[@enabled =] enabled
Indicates the current status of the alert. enabled is tinyint, with a default of 1 (enabled). If 0, the alert is not enabled and does not fire.
[@delay_between_responses =] delay_between_responses
Is the wait period, in seconds, between responses to the alert. delay_between_responses is int, with a default of 0, which means there is no waiting between responses (each occurrence of the alert generates a response). The response can be in either or both of these forms:

By setting this value, it is possible to prevent, for example, unwanted e-mail messages from being sent when an alert repeatedly occurs in a short period of time.

[@notification_message =] 'notification_message'
Is an optional additional message sent to the operator as part of the e-mail, net send, or pager notification. notification_message is nvarchar(512), with a default of NULL. Specifying notification_message is useful for adding special notes such as remedial procedures.
[@include_event_description_in =] include_event_description_in
Is whether the description of the SQL Server error should be included as part of the notification message. include_event_description_in is tinyint, with a default of 5 (e-mail and net send), and can have one or more of these values ORed together.


Value Description
0 (default) None
1 E-mail
2 Pager
4 net send

[@database_name =] 'database'
Is the database in which the error must occur for the alert to fire. If database is not supplied, the alert fires regardless of where the error occurred. database is sysname, with a default of NULL.
[@event_description_keyword =] 'event_description_keyword_pattern'
Is the sequence of characters that the description of the SQL Server error must be like. Transact-SQL LIKE expression pattern-matching characters can be used. event_description_keyword_pattern is nvarchar(100), with a default of NULL. This parameter is useful for filtering object names (for example, %customer_table%).
[@job_id =] job_id
Is the job identification number of the job to run in response to this alert. job_id is uniqueidentifier, with a default of NULL.
[@job_name =] 'job_name'
Is the name of the job to be executed in response to this alert. job_name is sysname, with a default of NULL.

Note Either job_id or job_name must be specified, but both cannot be specified.

[@raise_snmp_trap =] raise_snmp_trap
Not implemented in SQL Server version 7.0.
[@performance_condition =] 'performance_condition'
Is a value expressed in the format ‘item comparator value. performance_condition is nvarchar(512) with a default of NULL, and consists of these elements.


Format element Description
item A performance object, performance counter, or named instance of the counter
comparator One of these operators: >, <, =
value Numeric value of the counter

[@category_name =] 'category'
The name of the alert category. category is sysname with a default of NULL.
Return Code Values

0 (success) or 1 (failure)

Result Sets



sp_add_alert must be run from the msdb database.

These are the circumstances under which errors/messages generated by SQL Server and SQL Server applications are sent to the Windows NT application log and can therefore raise alerts:

SQL Server Enterprise Manager provides an easy, graphical way to manage the entire alerting system and is the recommended way to configure an alert infrastructure.

If an alert is not functioning properly, check whether:


Only members of the sysadmin fixed server role can execute sp_add_alert.


This example adds an alert (Test Alert) that invokes the Back up the Customer Database job when fired.

Note This example assumes that the message 55001 and the Back up the Customer Database job already exist. The example is shown for illustrative purposes only.

USE msdb

EXEC sp_add_alert @name = 'Test Alert', @message_id = 55001,
    @severity = 0,
    @notification_message = 'Error 55001 has occurred. The database will
    be backed up...',
    @job_name = 'Back up the
    Customer Database'


See Also
sp_add_notification sp_help_alert
sp_addtask sp_update_alert
sp_altermessage sysperfinfo
sp_delete_alert System Stored Procedures


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