sp_changemergearticle (T-SQL)

Changes the properties of a merge article.


sp_changemergearticle [@publication =] 'publication', [@article =] 'article'
    [,[@property =] 'property'] [,[@value =] 'value']

[@publication =] 'publication'
Is the name of the publication in which the article exists. publication is sysname, with no default.
[@article =] 'article'
Is the name of the article to change. article is sysname, with no default.
[@property =] 'property'
Is the property to change for the given article and publication. property is nvarchar(30), and can be one of these values.


Value Description
description Descriptive entry for the article.
pre_creation_command Precreation command for the DROP TABLE, DELETE TABLE, or TRUNCATE TABLE statement.
creation_script Path and name of an article schema script used to create target tables.
column_tracking Setting for column level tracking. Can be changed only on inactive articles.
article_resolver Custom resolver for the article.
resolver_info Name of the stored procedure used as a custom resolver.
status Status of the article.
subset_filterclause WHERE clause specifying the horizontal filtering.
schema_option Bitmap of the schema generation option for the given article.
NULL (default)  

[@value =] 'value'
Is the new value for the specified property. value is nvarchar(1000), and can be one of these values.


Value Description
description Description of the article.
pre_creation_command Can be none, drop, delete, or truncate.
creation_script Name of the creation script.
conflict_table NULL.
column_tracking Can be true or false.
article_resolver Default is NULL.
resolver_info Name of the resolver stored procedure.
status Status of the property. Can be active, unsynced, or inactive.
subset_filterclause WHERE clause for horizontal filtering.
NULL (default)  

Return Code Values

0 (success) or 1 (failure)


sp_changemergearticle is used in merge replication.


Only members of the sysadmin fixed server role or db_owner fixed database role can execute sp_changemergearticle.

See Also
sp_addmergearticle sp_helpmergearticle
sp_dropmergearticle System Stored Procedures


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