Reports the attributes of the columns in the result set of a server cursor.
[@cursor_return =] output_cursor_variable OUTPUT
[, [@cursor_source =] N'local', [@cursor_identity =] N'local_cursor_name'] |
[, [@cursor_source =] N'global', [@cursor_identity =]
N'global_cursor_name'] |
[, [@cursor_source =] N'variable', [@cursor_identity =]
sp_describe_cursor_columns encapsulates its report as a Transact-SQL cursor output parameter. This allows Transact-SQL batches, stored procedures, and triggers to work with the output one row at a time. It also means that the procedure cannot be called directly from database API functions. The cursor output parameter must be bound to a program variable, but the database APIs do not support binding cursor parameters or variables.
This is the format of the cursor returned by sp_describe_cursor_columns.
Column name | Data type | Description |
column_name | sysname
nullable |
Name assigned to the result set column. The column is NULL if the column was specified without an accompanying AS clause. |
ordinal_position | int | Relative position of the column from the leftmost column in the result set. The first column is in position 1. The value for any hidden columns is 0. |
column_characteristics_flags | int | A bitmask indicating the information stored in DBCOLUMNFLAGS in OLE DB. Can be one of the following: 1 = Bookmark 2 = Fixed length 4 = Nullable 8 = Row versioning 16 = Updatable column (set for projected columns of a cursor that has no FOR UPDATE clause and, if there is such a column, can be only one per cursor). |
column_size | int | Maximum possible size for a value in this column. |
data_type_sql | smallint | Number indicating the SQL Server data type of the column. |
column_precision | tinyint | Maximum precision of the column as per the bPrecision value in OLE DB. |
column_scale | tinyint | Number of digits to the right of the decimal point for the numeric or decimal data types as per the bScale value in OLE DB. |
order_position | int | If the column participates in the ordering of the result set, the position of the column in the order key relative to the leftmost column. |
order_direction | varchar(1), nullable | A = The column is in the order key and the ordering is ascending. D = The column is in the order key and the ordering is descending. NULL = The column does not participate in ordering. |
hidden_column | smallint | If a value of 0, this column appears in the select list. The value 1 is reserved for future use. |
columnid | int | Column ID of the base column. If the result set column was built from an expression, columnid is -1. |
objectid | int | Object ID of the base table supplying the column. If the result set column was built from an expression, objectid is -1. |
dbid | int | ID of the database containing the base table supplying the column. If the result set column was built from an expression, dbid is -1. |
dbname | sysname
nullable |
Name of the database containing the base table supplying the column. If the result set column was built from an expression, dbname is NULL. |
sp_describe_cursor_columns describes the attributes of the columns in the result set of a server cursor, such as the name and data type of each cursor. Use sp_describe_cursor for a description of the global attributes of the server cursor. Use sp_describe_cursor_tables for a report of the base tables referenced by the cursor. Use sp_cursor_list to get a report of the Transact-SQL server cursors visible on the connection.
Execute permissions default to the public role.
This example opens a global cursor and uses sp_describe_cursor_columns to report on the columns used in the cursor.
USE Northwind
-- Declare and open a global cursor.
FROM Employees
OPEN abc
-- Declare a cursor variable to hold the cursor output variable
-- from sp_describe_cursor_columns.
-- Execute sp_describe_cursor_columns into the cursor variable.
EXEC master.dbo.sp_describe_cursor_columns
@cursor_return = @Report OUTPUT,
@cursor_source = N'global', @cursor_identity = N'abc'
-- Fetch all the rows from the sp_describe_cursor_columns output cursor.
FETCH NEXT from @Report
FETCH NEXT from @Report
-- Close and deallocate the cursor from sp_describe_cursor_columns.
CLOSE @Report
-- Close and deallocate the original cursor.
Cursors | sp_describe_cursor |
CURSOR_STATUS | sp_describe_cursor_tables |
DECLARE CURSOR | System Stored Procedures |
sp_cursor_list |