sp_getmergedeletetype (T-SQL)

Returns the type of merge delete.


sp_getmergedeletetype [@source_object =] 'source_object',
    [@rowguid =] 'rowguid', [@delete_type =] delete_type OUTPUT

[@source_object =] 'source_object'
Is the name of the source object. source_object is nvarchar(386), with no default.
[@rowguid =] 'rowguid'
Is the row identifier for the delete type. rowguid is uniqueidentifier, with no default.
[@delete_type =] delete_type OUTPUT
Is the code indicating the type of delete. delete_type is int, with no default. delete_type is also an OUTPUT parameter, and can be one of these values.


Value Description
1 User delete
5 Partial delete
6 System delete


sp_getmergedeletetype is used in merge replication.


Only members of the sysadmin fixed server role or the db_owner fixed database role can execute sp_getmergedeletetype.

See Also

System Stored Procedures


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