sp_help_jobhistory (T-SQL)

Provides information about the jobs for servers in the multiserver administration domain.


sp_help_jobhistory [[@job_id =] job_id]
    [, [@job_name =] 'job_name']
    [, [@step_id =] step_id]
    [, [@sql_message_id =] sql_message_id]
    [, [@sql_severity =] sql_severity]
    [, [@start_run_date =] start_run_date]
    [, [@end_run_date =] end_run_date]
    [, [@start_run_time =] start_run_time]
    [, [@end_run_time =] end_run_time]
    [, [@minimum_run_duration =] minimum_run_duration]
    [, [@run_status =] run_status]
    [, [@minimum_retries =] minimum_retries]
    [, [@oldest_first =] oldest_first]
    [, [@server =] 'server']
    [, [@mode =] 'mode']

[@job_id =] job_id
Is the job identification number. job_id is uniqueidentifier, with a default of NULL.
[@job_name =] 'job_name'
Is the name of the job. job_name is varchar(100), with a default of NULL.
[@step_id =] step_id
Is the step identification number. step_id is int, with a default of NULL.
[@sql_message_id =] sql_message_id
Is the identification number of the error message returned by Microsoft® SQL Server™ when executing the job. sql_message_id is int, with a default of NULL.
[@sql_severity =] sql_severity
Is the severity level of the error message returned by SQL Server when executing the job. sql_severity is int, with a default of NULL.
[@start_run_date =] start_run_date
Is the date the job was started. start_run_date is int, with a default of NULL. start_run_date must be entered in the form YYYYMMDD, where YYYY is a four-character year, MM is a two-character month name, and DD is a two-character day name.
[@end_run_date =] end_run_date
Is the date the job was completed. end_run_date is int, with a default of NULL. end_run_date must be entered in the form YYYYMMDD, where YYYY is a four-character year, MM is a two-character month name, and DD is a two-character day name.
[@start_run_time =] start_run_time
Is the time the job was started. start_run_time is int, with a default of NULL. start_run_time must be entered in the form HHMMSS, where HH is a two-character hour of the day, MM is a two-character minute of the day, and SS is a two-character second of the day.
[@end_run_time =] end_run_time
Is the time the job completed its execution. end_run_time is int, with a default of NULL. end_run_time must be entered in the form HHMMSS, where HH is a two-character hour of the day, MM is a two-character minute of the day, and SS is a two-character second of the day.
[@minimum_run_duration =] minimum_run_duration
Is the minimum length of time for the completion of the job. minimum_run_duration is int, with a default of NULL. minimum_run_duration must be entered in the form HHMMSS, where HH is a two-character hour of the day, MM is a two-character minute of the day, and SS is a two-character second of the day.
[@run_status =] run_status
Is the execution status of the job. run_status is int, with a default of NULL, and can be one of these values.


Value Description
0 Failed
1 Succeeded
2 Retry (step only)
3 Canceled
4 In-progress message
5 Unknown

[@minimum_retries =] minimum_retries
Is the minimum number of times a job should retry running. minimum_retries is int, with a default of NULL.
[@oldest_first =] oldest_first
Is whether to present the output with the oldest jobs first. oldest_first is int, with a default of 0, which presents the newest jobs first. 1 presents the oldest jobs first.
[@server =] 'server'
Is the name of the server on which the job was performed. server is varchar(30), with a default of NULL.
[@mode =] 'mode'
Is whether SQL Server prints all columns in the result set (FULL) or a summary of the columns. mode is varchar(7), with a default of SUMMARY.
Return Code Values

0 (success) or 1 (failure)

Result Sets

The actual column list depends on the value of mode. The most comprehensive set of columns is shown below and is returned when mode is FULL.

Column name Data type Description
instance_id int History entry identification number.
job_id uniqueidentifier Job identification number.
job_name sysname Job name.
step_id int Step identification number (will be 0 for a job history).
step_name sysname Step name (will be NULL for a job history).
sql_message_id int For Transact-SQL step, the most recent Transact-SQL error number encountered while running the command.
sql_severity int For a Transact-SQL step, the highest Transact-SQL error severity encountered while running the command.
message nvarchar(1024) Job or step history message.
run_status int Outcome of the job or step.
run_date int Date the job or step began executing.
run_time int Time the job or step began executing.
run_duration int Amount of time (in seconds) the job or step took to run to completion.
operator_emailed nvarchar(20) Operator who was e-mailed regarding this job (is NULL for step history).
operator_netsent nvarchar(20) Operator who was sent a network message regarding this job (is NULL for step history).
operator_paged nvarchar(20) Operator who was paged regarding this job (is NULL for step history).
retries_attempted int Number of times the step was retried (always 0 for a job history).
server nvarchar(30) Server the step or job executes on. Is always (local).


sp_help_jobhistory returns a report with the history of the specified scheduled jobs. If no parameters are specified, the report contains the history for all scheduled jobs.


Permissions to execute this procedure default to the sysadmin fixed server role or the db-owner fixed database role, who can grant permissions to other users.


This example prints all columns and all job information for any failed jobs and failed job steps with an error message of 50100 (a user-defined error message), a severity of 20, and a start date of June 1, 1998, on the LONDON2 server.

USE msdb

EXEC sp_help_jobhistory NULL, NULL, NULL, 50100, 20, 19980601, NULL,



See Also
sp_purge_jobhistory System Stored Procedures


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