Returns information about the scheduling of jobs used by SQL Server Enterprise Manager to perform automated activities.
[@job_id =] job_id |
[@job_name =] 'job_name'
[,[@schedule_name =] 'schedule_name'] |
[,[@schedule_id =] schedule_id]
Note Either job_id or job_name must be specified, but both cannot be specified.
0 (success) or 1 (failure)
Column name | Data type | Description |
schedule_id | int | Schedule identifier number. |
schedule_name | sysname | Name of the schedule. |
enabled | int | Whether the schedule enabled (1) or not enabled (0). |
freq_type | int | Value indicating when the job is to be executed. 1 = Once 4 = Daily 8 = Weekly 16 = Monthly 32 = Monthly, relative to the freq_ interval 64 = Run when SQL Server Agent starts. |
freq_interval | int | Days when the job is executed. The value depends on the value of freq_type. For more information, see sp_add_jobschedule. |
freq_subday_type | int | Units for freq_subday_interval. For more information, see sp_add_jobschedule. |
freq_subday_interval | int | Number of freq_subday_type periods to occur between each execution of the job. For more information, see sp_add_jobschedule. |
freq_relative_interval | int | Scheduled job’s occurrence of the freq_interval in each month. For more information, see sp_add_jobschedule. |
freq_recurrence_factor | int | Number of months between the scheduled execution of the job. |
active_start_date | int | Date the schedule is activated. |
active_end_date | int | End date of the schedule. |
active_start_time | int | Time of the day the schedule starts. |
active_end_time | int | Time of the day schedule ends. |
date_created | datetime | Date the schedule is created. |
schedule_description | nvarchar(4000) | An English description of the schedule (if scheduled). |
next_run_date | int | Date the schedule will next cause the job to run. |
next_run_time | int | Time the schedule will next cause the job to run. |
The parameters of sp_help_jobschedule can be used only in certain combinations. If schedule_id is specified, neither job_id nor job_name can be specified. Otherwise, the job_id or job_name parameters can be used with schedule_name.
Execute permissions default to the public role. Anyone who can execute this procedure can also create, delete, or update a job, job step, job category, job schedule, job server, task, or job history information.
This example returns the scheduling information for a job named Archive Tables.
USE msdb
EXEC sp_help_jobhistory @job_name = 'Archive Tables'
This example returns the history for a job named Archive Tables and for its schedule item Weekly Archive.
USE msdb
EXEC sp_help_jobhistory @job_name = 'Archive Tables',
@schedule_name = 'Weekly Archive'
sp_add_jobschedule | sp_update_jobschedule |
sp_delete_jobschedule | System Stored Procedures |